Hire an experienced drink driving lawyer with Australian Lawyers and Advocates
Drink driving, also known as driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI), is a criminal offence in Australia that occurs when an individual operates a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs or with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) exceeding the legal limit. The legal limit for drivers in Australia is 0.05% BAC, meaning that a driver with a BAC of 0.05% or higher can be charged with a drink driving offence.
There are a number of ranges or categories of drink driving offences, which depend on the BAC, such as low range, mid range and high range drink driving. Different alcohol limits also apply to certain licence categories such as heavy vehicle licences and to learner and provisional licence holders.
It is important to note that in Australia, law enforcement takes drink driving offences very seriously. If you’ve been charged with a drink driving offence, you must seek the professional advice and assistance of a reputable drink driving lawyer. Our team of highly skilled DUI lawyers thoroughly understand the legislation involved in traffic law and other areas that may relate to your driving offence.
We analyse the details of your case and the charges you are facing before providing practical advice and guidance to ensure you receive the best possible outcome. Our compassionate drink driving lawyers will also walk you through the process, fully informing you of your rights and obligations.
We don’t make outlandish claims that we are Australia’s ‘best’ or most ‘leading’ law firm. We prefer to let our results and reputation speak for themselves. Our DUI lawyers have spent years developing positive relationships with magistrates, judges and our opponents, earning high trust and respect in the industry.
Traffic Law Services
How can we help?
Get in touch with our team by calling us in order to arrange an appointment to discuss your matter or alternatively, you can contact us with your query below and one of our team will contact you.